_____ ___ __ __ / ___// (_)___ ___ / /_ ____ ____ / /__ \__ \/ / / __ `__ \/ __ \/ __ \/ __ \/ //_/ ___/ / / / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / ,< /____/_/_/_/ /_/ /_/_.___/\____/\____/_/|_| The best GNU/Linux computer supplier! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- |Instrucciones| | de | | instalación | ------------- - El orden de instalación correcto de los drivers está indicado en propio nombre del fichero. NO instalar de forma aleatoria. - Realiza siempre la instalación de cada driver de forma individual y reinicia el equipo cuando se te solicite. - Utiliza siempre el instalador ejecutable (.exe) de cada driver. - En caso de que el driver no disponga de un instalador, haz click derecho sobre el fichero *.inf del directorio del driver y elige la opción instalar. - Si un driver en especifico tiene un readme.txt, por favor sigue ese metodo de instalación. Si tienes un momentito y quieres echarnos una mano nos gustaría mucho que nos dejaras una valoración o algún comentario en Trustpilot: https://www.trustpilot.com/review/slimbook.es Hasta el comentario mas pequeño nos ayuda un montón. Gracias! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --ENGLISH-- -------------- | Driver | | installation | | guide | -------------- - The correct installation order of the drivers is indicated in the file name itself. DO NOT install randomly. - Install each driver individually and perform a reboot at every request. - Use the included installer from each driver. - If a driver does not include a installer, right click on the *.inf file found at the driver directory and click on the install menu item. - If a specific driver has a readme.txt, please follow that installation method. If you have a bit of spare time and it's OK with you, It really would help us if you could write a small comment at https://trustpilot.com/review/slimbook.es with your overall experience. Even though it may look otherwise on the outside, we are a small business after all and we don't have that many reviews there yet, so even a single one has a great effect on our rating. Thank you in advance for your help and support!